We Fix Fitness so you can #GETYOURFIX


We do -that-

Our expert Body Transformation coaches work with you one on one to give you the skills to own your space in the gym, feel confident in your favorite jeans AND reveal your inner strength.

We ONLY work One-On-One with women who have already tried at least 3 different diets or fitness and exercise programs…but nothing seems to stick. If you’re not frustrated, we’re not a good fit.

If you are frustrated, if you’ve lost and gained it back, if you’re sick of obvious bullshit claims, shitty coaches, and cookie cutter programs, we are your people. If you’re tired of cutting your favorite foods completely from your diet, or feeling guilty about eating or avoiding treats during your social gatherings, or sick of being angry at yourself after walking in the door exhausted, with just enough energy to microwave a pizza when you walk in the door, we are your home.

Action Drives motivation.

Shame does not. I don’t need to tell you Shame-based Marketing exists. It’s dehumanizing, patronizing, predatory and makes you feel powerless to change your situation. Even when not overt, it still cuts at a subconscious level.

This is how marketers sell a lot of books, supplements, subscriptions, expensive meal plans and burn out their trusting customers with yet another yo-yo, gimmick, elimination diet. We are putting a stop to this shit today.

Fans are raving about our fatloss secret…

You have no doubt seen a click baity, long-form sales copy. A letter from the seller making polarizing claims; “This system was BANNED on XYZ and written by our secretive, reclusive but charismatic founder. You just take aspirin and use nicotine to incinerate stored fat!This is from an actual email a client sent me! The claims are just barely beyond plausibility— too good to be true but just maaaaybe...

Our secret is WE DON’T DO THAT.

When was the last time you heard

"Just take it easy"

"Start light"

"Ease back into it"

All of this is your practitioner's way of saying

"I have no clue what I'm doing so you just go ahead and take responsibility for yourself."

They are right. They are staying in their lane. There is a path between your Physical Therapist’s banded external rotations or lateral walks and getting back under a barbell— and your opinion of “starting light” may be miles away from theirs.

What makes us different…

Our secret is we guide you through a no-nonsense, no fluff, science based, evidence backed, fitness and nutrition programs designed for YOUR needs and WANTS—this isn’t a cookie cutter template that 1000 other people are doing.

You are unique, from your pre-existing injuries, to your stress diet and sleep, as well as your functional capabilities. These unique loads on your body are different from Rx Sally next to you in your group fitness class. Why should either of you be doing exactly the same movements?

Why Put a stop to it? BECAUSE...

Because they don’t care about you. Because they don’t own your results. Because they just want your money. Because they sell You snake oil. Because They are not fitness pro’s.


Hey! I’m Coach Jason.

I started my fitness journey in 2009. Then, I was 29 years old. I had achy, creaky knees. Old sports injuries plagued my wrist and ankle. I had low back pain that would spasm and lay me out for a week. I thought I was “athletic” because I played sports when I was young.

I maintained what I thought was an active life by casually riding bikes once every few weeks, rock climbing and snowboarding a few times a year. Despite this, I ate and drank only the worst food, I had 50 pounds of overweight and it felt like my body was falling apart.

My mindset was a mess. I was unhappy on my best days. On my worst, I took it out on everyone around me. The sad part is, I didn’t even realize how toxic I was.

I needed a change. Diet, fitness, mindset, learning. After my transformation, I decided to complete a bachelors in exercise physiology. A decade of healing, education and experience as a personal trainer helped me grow into the coach I am today.

My mission is twofold: First, to help empower women who have struggled with toxic fitness culture actually own their space inside of a gym as well as in their life by getting STRONG as F**K with a barbell and learning how to OWN their nutrition. Second, to help guide advanced athletes out of pain and into moving better, feeling better, and becoming the version of themselves that they aspire to be.

“I already know

what giving up

feels like.

I want to see

what happens

if i don’t”

— Neila Rey